When the thermometer rises above +35°C, not only do people and pets suffer, but so does technology. iPhones can also overheat and start behaving erratically. How to prevent overheating? What to do if your device is already “boiling” and the screen is black? Follow our tips, and your phone will be just fine.

Safe Temperatures for iPhone

Any technology is designed to operate within specific conditions. In the user manual, Apple sets the range of temperatures at which the brand’s smartphones operate correctly. iPhone will “feel” comfortable at temperatures from 0 to +35°C. It can be stored at temperatures from -20 to +45°C.

If iPhone gets too hot, some functions may temporarily turn off. But don’t worry: everything will return to normal once the device cools down. On the other hand, the battery wears out quickly if iPhone overheats frequently — this happens due to certain physical processes and chemical reactions. As a result, battery capacity begins to decline, and you’ll need to either replace the battery or buy a new phone.

So, the smartphone should never heat up at all? There are situations where the device naturally heats up because the load on it increases. And this is normal. You can most often observe this when:

  • Setting up a brand-new smartphone for the first time;
  • Restoring data from a previously created backup;
  • Charging the device, especially wirelessly;
  • Using software or games that make the graphics system or processor work hard (photography also applies);
  • Watching video (streaming) in the highest quality.

And there’s no need to panic here. If your iPhone starts to heat up, know that it will stop when the load decreases. Most importantly, this level of heating does not affect the battery.

How to avoid missing the “heatstroke” moment

You shouldn’t rely on personal feelings. Your task is to monitor the system’s response: if the iPhone heats up, it will indicate. By the way, this is another reason to update to iOS 16/17, which includes mechanisms to protect against overheating. How does this look? When the device (iPhone 14 Plus and newer models) overheats excessively, a message appears on the screen: “Charging paused. Charging will resume when the device temperature returns to normal.”

However, you can notice overheating before it becomes critical. Here’s what to look for:

  • Very slow charging, regardless of whether you are using a wired or wireless charger.
  • Brightness and contrast of the display decrease, and when overheating occurs, the screen may go completely black.
  • Poor connection quality because the signal reception/transmission modules enter power-saving mode. Making calls becomes nearly impossible.
  • Essential functions (like the flashlight) stop working for no apparent reason.
  • Performance significantly drops. Accessing websites or opening photos in a messenger becomes almost impossible.
  • And the final sign is a message on the display: “Temperature. iPhone needs to cool down before use.”

By the way, the most resilient app in the heat is the navigator. Various functions may become unavailable, but not this one. First, the smartphone will warn you with a message — “Temperature: iPhone needs to cool down,” — and then it will switch to audio mode. However, the display will still turn on at turns so you can navigate your way.

Reviving Your Smartphone When It Overheats

Now let’s go over what to do if your iPhone overheats. The first step is to lock the screen or turn off the smartphone. The second step is to move the device to a cool place away from sunlight. However, do not place it in the refrigerator, as a sudden change in temperature will cause more harm than good. The device should cool down gradually.

How to Survive the Hot Summer Without Overheating Your Phone

We carry our smartphones everywhere, even to the beach. Keeping your beloved iPhone 15 Pro Max or any other phone from overheating is simple:

  • While you’re swimming in the sea or enjoying a picnic, cover your device with a towel or place it in a bag or backpack. The key is to use a light-colored “cover” rather than a dark one, as dark colors absorb more heat.
  • If you’re under intense sunlight, try not to use your iPhone at maximum brightness for extended periods, especially if you’re playing games, editing photos, or making Reels.
  • When exiting the car, take your devices with you. Even in the shade, the inside of a car can heat up to +50°C. Regular exposure to such high temperatures will affect your iPhone’s battery life.
  • When outdoors, remove the device from your pocket and place it in a light-colored tote bag. In confined spaces, it won’t be able to cool down properly.
  • Use heavy software and games in cooler conditions.

А как быть, если едешь на машине? Всё просто: используйте кондиционер, положите смартфон так, чтобы солнце на него не попадало, уменьшите яркость экрана. И тогда навигатор сможет работать в полноценном режиме, а вы не заблудитесь. Боюсь, что батарея «закипела»: как это узнать Если вы видите, что батарея хуже держит заряд, зайдите в «Настройки» > «Аккумулятор» > «Состояние аккумулятора и зарядка». И найдите показатель максимальной емкости: если меньше 80%, замены не избежать. Или можно купить новый iPhone — помощнее и современне. Выбрать и протестировать актуальные модели можно в iSpace: у нас все новинки представлены в открытой выкладке. Вне зависимости от решения мы всегда ждем вас в наших магазинах. Разберемся, почему греется iPhone, нужно ли менять аккумулятор и проконсультируем насчет покупки нового гаджета

What If You’re in a Car?

It’s simple: use the air conditioner, place the smartphone where it won’t be exposed to direct sunlight, and reduce the screen brightness. This way, the navigator can work properly, and you won’t get lost.

Worried That the Battery Is Overheating? Here’s How to Tell

If you notice the battery doesn’t hold a charge as well, go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health & Charging. Check the maximum capacity indicator: if it’s below 80%, a replacement is necessary. Alternatively, you might consider buying a new, more powerful iPhone. You can choose and test the latest models at iSpace, where all new arrivals are on display.

No matter your decision, we’re always here at our stores to help you understand why your iPhone is overheating, whether you need a battery replacement, and to advise you on purchasing a new gadget



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